Proactively addressing risks and ensuring compliance is crucial – particularly in regulated industries – to preemptively identify, manage, and mitigate potential challenges. It not only safeguards the integrity of operations but also fosters a culture of adherence to industry standards, thereby enhancing overall operational resilience and trust within regulatory frameworks.
Are you working with Jira and looking to add an extra layer of security and compliance? We’ve got you covered.
In our free live webinar, Jan Szczepanski (CMO and Co-Founder of Jodocus), Dr. Marion Lepmets (CEO and Co-Founder of SoftComply) and Monika Isak (Head of Growth at SoftComply) will show you how to optimize your risk management and compliance process in Jira. Besides talking about Jira and its security aspects they will introduce two apps by SoftComply:
- SoftComply Risk Manager Plus: one risk management solution for the entire organisation: support different Risk Management methods for different types of risks like the Organisational Risks, Product / Project Risks, Information Security, Vendor Assessments, and more.
- SoftComply Information Security Risk Manager: designed for organisations aiming to speed up and optimise their implementation of Information Security framework based on ISO27001 standard.
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 07. Dezember 2023 11:00 – 11:45
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Eficode Germany GmbH
Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 15
80807 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 59081283
Telefax: +49 (5454) 4073464
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