Nanoscientific Forum Europe (NSFE) is an open European AFM User Forum focusing on sharing and exchanging the cutting-edge research for both materials and life science disciplines using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
The 6th NSFE 2022 will take place in-person at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona Spain hosted by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer, from 13th to 15th September 2023. The research focus of the will be laid on wide range of SPM applications and techniques that empower to transform life standards. We will talk about emerging nanomaterials for advanced technologies, functional surfaces, and hybrid materials as well as innovative methods in nanotechnology and correlative microscopy.
REGISTRATION is open now!
After three years of online editions, we are proud to invite scientists and researchers working in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy to the in-person NSFE 2023 in magnificent Barcelona! The scientific focus will be on wide range of SPM applications and techniques that enable the transformation of life standards. We will talk about emerging nanomaterials for advanced technologies, functional surfaces, and hybrid materials as well as innovative methods in nanotechnology and correlative microscopy.
Eventdatum: 13.09.23 – 15.09.23
Eventort: Barcelona
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Park Systems Europe
Schildkroetstrasse 15
68199 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 490896-50
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