Do you know how to choose the right integration platform to meet your business needs?
Currently, the industry offers various solutions to integration scenarios, one of which is adopting an Integration Platform as a Service. An iPaaS simplifies integration across on-premises and cloud environments.
Most companies run on various systems, especially between their Sales, Marketing, and Service Departments. iPaaS is a solution that improves communication between different silos by integrating software, systems, and applications, like ERP, CRM, POS to share better data within the organization, partners, and vendors, and automate various business functions and services.
Frends iPaaS has 30+ years of experience in integration development and maintenance path, and is ready to share its yearly insights with you. Join us for the yearly webinar, in which you can meet our Chief Product Officer, Asmo Urpilainen, and hear from him what to expect from Integration Platforms in 2023.
In this webinar, Asmo Urpilainen will host a fireside chat, elaborating on the current status of integration platforms. You will hear about the industry trends in iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) and what features should a modern iPaaS provide.
Asmo will also share the recent news about the Frends Platform itself and how he sees the positioning of the Frends Platform in the current Integration Landscape.
Join this webinar to meet our CPO, ask questions about Integration Platforms and Industry, and get to know Frends iPaaS.
11:00 – 11:40 CET/GMT+1 (Berlin, Stockholm)
12:00 – 12:40 EET/GMT+2 (Helsinki)
Tuesday, 20.12
Learn more and register: https://frends.com/webinar/integration-platforms-in-2023-and-beyond
All registered participants will also receive a post-event recording!
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022 12:00 – 12:40
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Tekniikantie 14
FIN02150 Espoo
Telefon: +358 (50) 449-3012
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