At the 15th European Identity and Cloud Conference (EIC), IT experts in the fields of identity management and cybersecurity will meet to gain valuable business insights. As one of Europe’s leading conferences on identity and access management and information security, EIC brings together the most innovative and forward-thinking minds from different industries, academia, and politics.
For the first time in its 15-year history, the conference will be held in the heart of Germany’s capital Berlin, to accommodate the immense growth in attendees EIC has seen in recent years.
250+ Sessions | 200+ Speakers | 2000+ Attendees
As a hybrid event, EIC will connect on-site attendees and virtual participants via its well-proven virtual conference platform, creating a truly global community of IT practitioners. With more than 200 speakers and 2,000 attendees, EIC is THE place to learn about the latest trends, as well as the development of established topics, in an open-minded and diverse environment.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Leonardo Morales, Siemens AG
- Dr. Angelika Steinacker, IBM
- Bjarke Alling, Chair of the National Danish Cybersecurity Council
- Joni Brennan, Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada
- Sebastian Manhart, German Chancellery
- Dr. Michiel van der Veen, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Netherlands
Hybrid and virtual tickets are available here. For everyone interested in the conference, the Explorer Ticket offers a wide range of content for free.
Journalists, podcasters, bloggers, and vloggers can register here for free.
Students can also register here for free as part of the Young Talents program.
Eventdatum: 10.05.22 – 13.05.22
Eventort: Berlin
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Wilhelmstr. 20-22
65185 Wiesbaden
Telefon: +49 (211) 237077-0
Telefax: +49 (211) 237077-11
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